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Un nuevo Makerspace creativo

Muy  Pronto

Leaf Pattern Design

Talleres · extraescolares · Eventos

¡Queremos escucharte!

We're adjusting our schedule to make it as convenient as possible for you.

Please indicate your preferred day and time next to any activity you're interested in:

You can mark more than one if it suits you:

Young Makers

Ages 6-8

Time 17:00-18:00

Young Makers (Ages: 6-8) Time: 17:00-18:00

Ages 9-12

Time 17:00-18:00

Young Makers (Ages: 9-12) Time: 17:00-18:00

Ages 12-17

Time 18:30-19:30

Young Makers (Ages: 12-17) Time: 18:30-19:30

Me Time (Adults)

Morning 10:00-12:00

Me Time (Adults) Morning: 10:00-12:00

Noon 12:00-14:00

Me Time (Adults) Noon: 12:00-14:00

Evening 20:00-22:00

Me Time (Adults) Evening: 20:00-22:00

Parent - Kid Saturdays

Me Time (Adults) Noon: 12:00-14:00

Wood Plane Studio es un espacio creativo en Sant Cugat que ofrece talleres prácticos para niños, adolescentes y adultos, combinando manualidades con herramientas digitales.
Un espacio para aprender, experimentar y crear juntos.

Las actividades se impartirán principalmente en inglés.

Colorful Pattern

*Haga clic en la foto para más detalles

Descubre nuestras actividades:

 Extraescolares de DIY 
Carpentry Work
 Adultos creativos 
Man in Workshop
 Talleres de DIY 
Girls Building Robot
 Fiestas de cumpleaños   creativas 

Hola, soy Ella.

Ela is a visual artist, craft maker and a tutor.
Itai is a sound expert, tech enthusiast and a gifted maker.
We are passionate makers, who love creating and exploring new techniques and expand our skills and boundaries.

WhatsApp Image 2025-02-13 at 19.20_edited.jpg
Wood Plane Studio was created to serve the makers community of Sant Cugat,
to share the love of creating and to be a Home for Creative Minds.

Let's get to know each other and see what we can create together!

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