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Host your own

Wood Plane Studio es un espacio creativo en Sant Cugat que ofrece talleres prácticos para niños, adolescentes y adultos, combinando manualidades con herramientas digitales.
Un espacio para aprender, experimentar y crear juntos.

Las actividades se impartirán principalmente en inglés.

In a Project based learning (PBL method), kids explore and develop a variety of skills and technologies. We work both as a team or in solo, and go together through complex processes of Product Design models, that reflect on real life working methods.

In a Project based learning (PBL method), kids explore and develop a variety of skills and technologies. We work both as a team or in solo, and go together through complex processes of Product Design models, that reflect on real life working methods.

Pricing and conditions: 

  • up to 6 participants 40€ /hour, Up to 10 participants 60€ /hour. Prices are before VAT

  • The space will be available for setup one hour before the workshop and for cleanup 30 minutes after, at no additional cost.

  • Cleaning will be handled by us.

  • Use of our tools is not included.

  • Payment for the space is required only after the workshop leader confirms there are enough participants.

  • Promotion: The organizer is responsible for attracting participants, but we will support by featuring the course poster on our website (please send it to us), creating an Instagram post, and sharing it in our stories.

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