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Wood Plane Studio es un espacio creativo en Sant Cugat que ofrece talleres prácticos para niños, adolescentes y adultos, combinando manualidades con herramientas digitales.
Un espacio para aprender, experimentar y crear juntos.

Las actividades se impartirán principalmente en inglés.

In a Project based learning (PBL method), kids explore and develop a variety of skills and technologies. We work both as a team or in solo, and go together through complex processes of Product Design models, that reflect on real life working methods.

In a Project based learning (PBL method), kids explore and develop a variety of skills and technologies. We work both as a team or in solo, and go together through complex processes of Product Design models, that reflect on real life working methods.

 A desk to open a snack buffet is available, food and drinks are not included. 




€25 for each additional participant

Up to




€20 for each additional participant.
Max 15 participants.

The events lengths are between 2 to 3 hours.

Arriving 30 min​ before is possible in case you need time for preparations.

We will take care of cleaning up the space after the event. 

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